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Chicago style guide: Speech/lecture

Chicago Style Guide

Citing a speech, lecture etc.

Transcript of a speech found in a book

1. John McCain, "Speech at Des Moines Rotary Lunch" (2007), in Representative American Speeches 2006-2007, ed. Jennifer Curry, Paul McCaffrey, and Lynn Messina (New York: H.W. Wilson, 2007), 47.


McCain, John. "Speech at Des Moines Rotary Lunch." 2007. In Representative American Speeches 2006-2007, edited by Jennifer Curry, Paul McCaffrey, and Lynn Messina. New York: H.W. Wilson, 2007.

Transcript of a speech found on a website

2. Martin Luther King Jr., "I Have a Dream" (speech, Washington, DC, August 28, 1963), American Rhetoric,


King, Martin Luther, Jr. "I Have a Dream." Speech, Washington, DC, August 28, 1963. American Rhetoric.

Transcript of a speech found in a supscription database

3. John F. Kennedy, "Statement on the Creation of the Peace Corps" (speech, Washington DC, March 1, 1961), EBSCO History Reference Center.


Kennedy, John F. "Statement on the Creation of the Peace Corps." Speech, Washington DC, March 1, 1961. EBSCO History Reference Center.

A speech or lecture you heard in person

4. Patrick Dossett, "My Experience as a Navy SEAL" (speech, Atherton, CA, September 20, 2011).


Dossett, Patrick. "My Experience as a Navy SEAL."Speech, Atherton, CA, September 20, 2011.

A classroom presentation or discussion

5. Stephanie Portman, "Global Trade in the 18th Century" (classroom discussion, Modern World History, Atherton, CA, September 22, 2011).


Portman, Stephanie. "Global Trade in the 18th Century." Classroom discussion, Modern World History, Atherton, CA, September 22, 2011.


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