Basic model for citing a book | |
Note |
1. Author Firstname Lastname, Book Title (Publication City: Publisher, Publication date), page(s) used. |
Bibliography |
Author Lastname, Firstname. Book Title. Publication City: Publisher, Publication date. |
If no author is indicated, skip that part of the citation and begin with the book title. For publication city, don't indicate the state for easily-recognized cities such as New York, Chicago, San Francisco etc. | |
A book with one author | |
Note |
1. Doug Fine, Farewell My Subaru: an Epic Adventure in Local Living (New York: Villard, 2008), 45. |
Bibliography |
Fine, Doug. Farewell My Subaru: an Epic Adventure in Local Living. New York: Villard, 2008. |
A book with two or three authors | |
Note |
2. James Bradley, Ron Powers and Susan Spark, Flags of our Fathers (New York: Bantam, 2002), 64. |
Bibliography | Bradley, James, Ron Powers and Susan Spark. Flags of our Fathers. New York: Bantam, 2002. |
A book with more than three authors | |
Note |
3. Sara Borden et al., Middle School: How to Deal (San Francisco: Chronicle Books, 2005), 25. |
Bibliography |
Borden, Sara, et al. Middle School: How to Deal. San Francisco: Chronicle Books, 2005. |
State the first author in the list and follow with et al. (which means "and all the others"). Be careful with the punctuation - there is no period after et! | |
A book with an editor instead of an author | |
Note |
4. Leonard S. Klein, ed., Latin American Literature in the 20th Century: a Guide, (New York: Ungar, 1986), 144. |
Bibliography |
Klein, Leonard S., ed. Latin American Literature in the 20th Century: a Guide. New York: Ungar, 1986. |
A book with an editor and an author | |
Note |
5. Rigoberta Menchu, Crossing Borders, ed. and trans. Ann Wright (New York: Verso, 1999), 44. |
Bibliography |
Menchu, Rigoberta. Crossing Borders. Edited and translated by Ann Wright. New York: Verso, 1999. |
Spell out translated, edited etc. in bibliographies; abbreviate in notes. | |
A chapter or special section of a book; a poem in an anthology | |
Note |
6. Thomas H. Huxley, “The Darwinian Hypothesis,” in Galileo’s Commandment: Great Science Writing, ed. Edmund Blair Bolles (New York: W.H. Freeman, 1997), 257-266. |
Bibliography |
Huxley, Thomas. "The Darwinian Hypothesis." In Galileo’s Commandment: Great Science Writing, edited by Edmund Blair Bolles, 257-266. New York: W.H. Freeman, 1997. |
A book read on a website | |
Note |
7. Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice, (2011), 108, Gutenberg Project. |
Bibliography |
Austen, Jane. Pride and Prejudice. 2011. Gutenberg Project. |
Provide either the url or the name of the website where you found the book. If publication information is available, include it following the examples above. | |
A book read in a subscription database | |
Note |
7. Matthew J. Flynn and Stephen E. Griffin, Washington and Napoleon: Leadership in the Age of Revolution (Washington DC: Potomac, 2011), 47, EBSCO eBook Collection. |
Bibliography |
Flynn, Matthew J. and Stephen E. Griffin. Washington and Napoleon: Leadership in the Age of Revolution. Washington DC: Potomac, 2011. EBSCO eBook Collection. |
An article in an anthology with an author and an editor obtained from an EBSCO database | |
Note |
1. John Katz, "Campus Speech Codes Violate Free Speech," in Censorship, ed. Tamara Roleff (Detroit: Greenhaven, 2000), Points of View Reference Center. |
Bibliography |
Katz, John. “Campus Speech Codes Violate Free Speech.” In Censorship, edited by Tamara Roleff. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2000. Points of View Reference Center. |
A book read on a digital device | |
Note |
7. Margaret Atwood, The Handmaid's Tale (Boston: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 1986), loc. 124 of 5000, Kindle. |
Bibliography |
Atwood, Margaret. The Handmaid's Tale. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 1986. Kindle. |
State the name of the app or device. If possible, include the location number and the total number of locations in place of a page number. | |
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