To cite a speech, choose "Lecture, speech or reading." If it doesn't have a title, enter a short description in the Title box.
Reference source (encyclopedia, dictionary, etc.)
Under "What is it" select Reference source. Change the radio button at the top of the page to E-publication (Born digital). If the reference source is in a dataabase, enter the database name but leave the url and accession number blank. If the source is a website be sure to include the url. Enter the article title, the title of the reference source, and the publication date. You may have some empty boxes which is fine.
Treaty or other historical document
Choose Historical Work in an Archive. YOur document is most likely a manuscript (a written work) but if it is one of the other options, choose that. Fill in as much of the information as you know - be sure you have either the website url or the name of the database where the article can be found. If the author is an organization or group (Republican Party, Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee, etc.) enter that entire name in the Last Name box. Enter the title of the document (or a description) and the date of publication.
Court case
Court cases can be challenging! Select Court Case from the right side column. Enter the plaintiff and defendant, and select the correct court. Unless you know otherwise, select "in a reporter," then click the drop-down menu under Reporter to find the correct court (look at the abbreviation and match the abbreviation on your document). The volume and page number are part of the court case number that you can find on your document. If you are confused, email the document to Mrs. Rettberg for help - these are difficult citations.
Congressional testimony
Use U.S. Congressional Debate.
Presidential executive order
Use U.S. Executive Order/Proclamation