A lot of primary source material is available through our subscription databases. Look for documents from the time period, or newspaper articles about particular events. In the history databases, use limiters (on the left side of the page) to limit your results to primary sources. Use your Menlo username and password to log in.
The library has many books on the topic of imperialism and colonization. You can find information on your topic by searching the library catalog, here:
Look for books with a call number in the 320's (imperialism) or in the 900's (history of particular countries).
General information
South Africa
Refers to the historical impacts of Belgium's colonization on Congo and how modern activist movements incite decolonization.
Discusses history of Belgium colonization of Congo and the current actions taken by Belgium.
Meiji Restoration
Russo-Japanese War
Suez Canal
China and The Opium Wars
Video analysis of impacts of the Opium Wars on the 2018 Trade War
A concise historical overview of the first and second Opium Wars.
French Imperialism in Vietnam
Brief video overview of French colonization of Vietnam.