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Chicago style guide: Magazine

Chicago Style Guide

Citing an article from a popular magazine

Is your source a magazine, or a journal? A magazine article is intended to be read by a general audience, may be less authoritative, and probably does not have footnotes or an extensive bibliography. A scholarly journal uses language specific to the topic, has fewer graphical elements and advertisements, and is well referenced with notes and a bibliography. Journal articles are generally reviewed for accuracy by subject experts - this is known as "peer review." Click here for journal citation examples.
A print magazine article

1. Bryan Walsh and Tiffany Sharples, "Sizing Up Carbon Footprints," Time, May 15, 2008.


Walsh, Bryan, and Tiffany Sharples. "Sizing Up Carbon Footprints." Time, May 15, 2008.

  Include authors in the order they are listed. In a bibliography, the first author in the list is entered as last name, first name. If there are more than three authors, include only the first author's name followed by et al.
A print magazine article found in a subscription database

2. Andy Greenberg, "Is WikiLeaks A Media Organization? The First Amendment Doesn't Care," Forbes, April 21, 2011, EBSCO MAS Ultra.


Greenberg, Andy. "Is WikiLeaks A Media Organization? The First Amendment Doesn't Care." Forbes, April 21, 2011, 22. EBSCO MAS Ultra.

  In the example above, 22 is the page number of the article.
An article from a magazine that is only published online

3. Daniel Gross, "Money Talks," Slate, December 14, 2007,


Gross, Daniel. "Money Talks." Slate, December 14, 2007.


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